Residents Charter
It is the policy at the Home to respect the right of each user to lead as independent and fulfilling a life as possible. In this respect, the following policy elements will be observed by all care staff. Residents in our Home shall have the rights:
To retain their personal dignity and independence, irrespective of the severity of their physical or mental infirmity.
The Linden Care Homes Residents Charter
To have their social, emotional, religious, cultural and political needs accepted and respected.
To have skilled, sensitive and understanding care to enable them to achieve the highest possible quality of life.
To have their personal privacy respected in all aspects, including entering bedrooms, toilets, bathrooms and following death.
To be consulted about daily living arrangements in the Home and to participate in discussions about proposed changes to these arrangements.
To be involved in and be kept informed about their individual assessment of need.
To have a regular review of their individual circumstances and to have the right to be present at any review meetings.
To be involved in the development and implementation of their Plan of Care. To be kept informed of all services provided by the Home.
To choose their own medical practitioner and dentist and to consult them in private.
To have access to specialist medical, nursing, dental pharmaceutical, chiropody and therapeutic services and care from hospitals and community health services according to need.
To have access to hearing and sight tests and appropriate aids according to need and in every way to have access to those NHS services to which they are entitled.
Would you like to visit one of our Care Homes?
You are always welcome to come drop by and take a look around our Care Homes. making an appointment is not necessary, but if you would like a guided tour, please Contact Us to arrange a time with management.